Touch Screen Renewal Test
To renew your CPCS Blue Competent Operator card, you must take and pass the CPCS Renewal Test. The test makes sure that you have kept your knowledge of each plant category or group of categories held on your card up to date.
course details
The Health, Safety, and Environment (HS&E) test is an important way for UK construction workers to demonstrate their ability to stay safe on the job. It is also a way for employers to ensure that their employees are safe on the job and are not at risk of injury. The exam is computer-based.
There is no expiry date for your HS&E test. However, when applying for a new or expired skills card, your HS&E test usually needs to have been taken within the last 2 years.
There is no expiry date for your HS&E test. However, when applying for a new or expired skills card, your HS&E test usually needs to have been taken within the last 2 years.